Swiss Formula Olbas Oil .32 oz

Swiss Formula Olbas Oil .32 oz

from $9.59

Olbas Oil has long been a household name that families reach for when suffering from seasonal distress and related discomforts. As an aromatic inhalant, this completely natural essential oil formula delivers invigorating and soothing sensations to the nasal and bronchial areas. Olbas Oil can be dropped onto a handkerchief or into warm water for inhalation during the day. At night, a drop on a tissue tucked inside a pillowcase can help stimulate and enhance your breathing passages so that you get a good night's sleep.

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Ingredients: Essential oils of Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cajeput, Wintergreen, Juniper and Clove.



Daytime: Inhaling vapors from a tissue sprinkled with Olbas Oil quickly stimulates and enhances the breathing passages. Try adding 20 drops of Olbas Oil to a bowl of hot water, place a towel over the head and breathe vapors in deeply for 5 to 10 minutes.

Nighttime: Simply sprinkle 5-10 drops on a tissue and tuck inside a pillowcase.

Body Massage

Apply Olbas Oil generously and gently massage the body. New "drip bottle" dispenses the oil drop by drop, and can be used as an applicator for massage. Stimulates surface circulation and delivers comfort to tired muscles and joints. Can be used for full body massage or as a spot massage at pressure points for quick effect. The natural essential oils are non-greasy and won’t stain most natural fabrics.

Head: Massage a drop or two directly on the forehead and temples (Avoid contact with eyes).

Sore, aching feet: Massage directly on feet or add 25-50 drops of Olbas Oil to a dishpan of hot or cold water and soak feet for 10 to 15 minutes.

Compress: Add 10-20 drops of Olbas Oil to a bowl of hot or cold water. Submerse a cloth in the water, wring it out and place it on the desired area. Hot compresses feel soothing for aching bodies; cold compresses feel refreshing on the forehead.

Sports and Exercise

Massage Olbas Oil into muscle areas BEFORE jogging, bicycling, or workouts to help relax tight muscles. Apply AFTER sports or exercise and massage gently to help reduce soreness and soothe overworked muscles.

Family Use & Travel: Take some Olbas Oil with you whenever you travel- great for those bumps, discomforts and stresses that inevitably come along. Soothing when used to massage on tired, sore feet and legs after prolonged periods of walking, standing or sports activity.